Since There's No Help Analysis in English and Hindi


Since There's No Help
By Michael Drayton

About the Poem

'Since There's No Help' (Sonnet 61) is Michael Drayton's most famous poem, included in the book Idea's Mirror of 1594, around the time that Shakespeare may have been composing his Sonnets and it published again in Poems of 1619.

Somnet-61 talks about a Love-affair that came to an end. The poet wants to end his relationship with her beloved but there is a sudden change at the end of the poem the speaker urges the lover to revive the Love and bring it to the life again.

In short, the first eight lines describe the ending of a love affair, that final kiss and exchange before an amicable parting, never to cross paths again. The final six lines use personification in an attempt to alter the situation at the last moment, and revivify love.

Analysis of the Poem

Since There's No Help consists of fourteen lines, which is typical for the form of a sonnet. Moreover this sonnet has three quatrains and one final couplet, which is the form of a Shakespearean sonnet (abab cdcd efef gg).

The metre in this sonnet is “unstressed - stressed”, which makes it an iamb, and because it has ten syllables it makes it an iambic pentameter, which means that there are five iambs in each line, except for the final couplet.

The mood and the tone of the sonnet can only be described as sad, melancholic and pitiful with a little shimmer of hope. In the beginning the speaker of the sonnet and his love separate even though their relationship could have last longer than the point pointed out in the sonnet. It is hard for the speaker to break up with his love, but they somehow seem to have to break up, due to unknown reasons.

Michael Drayton

Michael Drayton(1563-1631) was a distinguished writer and poet in Elizabethan England. Michael Drayton was a literary giant in an age of literary giants. Given his distinguished peers in Elizabethan England, it was difficult to stand out, but Drayton left a body of literature that was inspired, as much in his time as ours.

Michael Drayton Photo

Text (Since There's No Help)

Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part.
Nay, I have done, you get no more of me;
And I am glad, yea glad with all my heart,
That thus so cleanly I myself can free.
Shake hands for ever, cancel all our vows,
And when we meet at any time again,
Be it not seen in either of our brows
That we one jot of former love retain.
Now at the last gasp of Love’s latest breath,
When, his pulse failing, Passion speechless lies;
When Faith is kneeling by his bed of death,
And Innocence is closing up his eyes—
Now, if thou wouldst, when all have given him over,
From death to life thou might’st him yet recover!

Summary in English

Poet says that there is no choice left, nothing can be done now, now we should kiss and apart. He says that he has done everything made all efforts to save this relationship but they can no longer be together. So this line shows that it is not a traditional breakup where the two are crying rather everything is plain and easy.
The poet says, that he is happy ..he is happy with all his heart that he can free himself from this relationship so easily without any quarrel or crying.
He says let's shake hands and break all our promises. Since when we love someone, we make many promises to them, but if the relationship is over how can the promises be made? 
So the poet talks about breaking all the vows and says that if we ever meet again, this love should not be seen on either of our faces.  Here brow means facial expressions, so whenever we meet each other again, our expressions should not be such that we both still feel something for each other or we ever had a relationship or love.

Love is taking it's last breath, it is about to die that means love is personified here. There is no passion anymore and the love is silent it is speechless now. Trust is suffocating in the face of death, it conceded defeat. That is, the trust is also ending with the relation of the poet and his lover, Innocence and purity that love brings is also closing its eyes. That is, there is no hope now that anything can be done.
  But in the couplet, the poet says exactly the opposite thing: Now if you want, when we have given everything to love, when we have done everything according to it, you can still bring this dying love to life. The speaker urges the lover to revive the Love, bring him back to life.

Summary in हिंदी

अब कोई और रास्ता नहीं बचा, अब कुछ नहीं किया जा सकता। आओ kiss करें और अलग हो जाएं। नहीं, मैं कर चुका हूं, यानी मैं जितने प्रयास कर सकता था, कर चुका हूं। इस संबंध को बचाने की हर कोशिश कर चुका हूं। अब तुम्हें मेरा और साथ नहीं मिल सकता। अब हम साथ नहीं रह सकते।
तो यह लाइन दिखाती है कि यह कोई ट्रेडिशनल ब्रेकअप नहीं है जिसमें कवि और उनकी प्रेमिका रो रहे हो कि मत जाओ, बल्कि यहां सब कुछ बहुत plain और easy है। कवि कहते हैं, और मैं खुश हूं.. हाँ खुश हूँ, अपने पूरे दिल से यानी सच में खुश हूं। बहुत खुश हूँ कि मैं खुद को इतनी आसानी से बिना किसी झगड़े या रोने-धोने के खुद को इस रिश्ते से आजाद कर सकता हूं। आओ हमेशा के लिए एक बार हाथ मिलाते हैं और हमारी सारी कसमे तोड़ते हैं। यानी जब हम किसी से प्यार करते हैं, तो उनसे कई कई वादे करते हैं तो अब जब रिलेशनशिप ही नहीं रहेगा तो कसमें कैसी वादे कैसे ! तो कवि हाथ मिलाकर सारी कसमें तोड़ने की बात करते हैं और कहते है अगर हम कभी दोबारा मिलते हैं तो यह प्यार हम दोनों में से किसी के चेहरे पर नहीं दिखना चाहिए। यहां brow यानी चेहरे के हाव भाव, तो जब भी कभी हम दोबारा एक दूसरे से मिलते हैं तो हमारे एक्सप्रेशन ऐसे नहीं होनी चाहिए कि हम दोनों अभी भी एक-दूसरे के लिए कुछ महसूस करते हैं या कभी हमारे बीच कोई संबंध था या प्यार का एक कतरा भी बचा हो।

प्रेम या अपने आखिरी सदौर में है। अब तेजी से सांस ले रहा है, मरने वाला है यानी यहां प्यार को personify किया गया है। अब प्रेम की धड़कनें रुक रही है, प्रेम मर रहा है। जुनून या इश्क खत्म हो चुका है और प्यार खामोश पड़ा है। अब भरोसा मृत्यु के सामने घुटने टेक रहा है यानी अब कवि और उनके प्रेमिका के संबंध से विश्वास भी खत्म हो रहा है और जो प्रेम से मासूमियत आती है, पवित्रता आती है, वह भी अपनी आंखें बंद कर रही है। यानी अब कोई आशा नहीं है कि कुछ भी किया जा सकता है।

पर अंत की दो पंक्तियों में कवि बिल्कुल उल्टी बात कहते हैं कि अब अगर तुम चाहती हो जबकि हमने प्यार को सब कुछ दिया, इसके अनुरूप सब किया तो अभी भी तुम इस मरते हुए प्यार को जिंदा कर सकती हो। तुम्हारे लिए मेरे प्यार को वापस जिंदा कर दो।

By Shivani Sharma


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